DI The Process

The Process

Your membership in the One20 Association entitles you to participate in this valuable insurance program. Disability Income Protection is important to drivers to protect their paycheck and provide ongoing income in the event of a disability.
To get started, click on the “DI BASICS” icon at the top of the page to learn about the need of Disability Income Protection. This will help you better understand the risks that you face every day and how to protect yourself against those risks.
Now you’re ready to get a quote. Click on the icon “GET A QUOTE”. Answer a few basic questions about yourself and the rates will display for ages 18 through 60. Look for the amount of income protection you desire ($1,000-$2,000-$3000) to have protected based on your current age. Record what that quoted monthly premium is for your records.
The next step is applying for coverage. To enter your personal information click the "Click here to enter your personal information through this secure website" link. Clicking on this link will start the process for gathering your personal information and applying for insurance coverage.
Upon completion of the form, click on the complete button and your information will be submitted for underwriting consideration.
You will receive an email from the disability income insurance company with a recap of the information submitted and the request for your electronic signature. Follow those instructions provided.
Be aware that there may be a random verification call from the insurance company to validate the information provided.
Upon approval of your insurance application and issuance of your policy, it will be mailed to the address you selected to receive mail. Included with the policy will be notifications of any premiums due or special instructions regarding your insurance coverage.
If you have any questions about the process for applying for Disability Income Insurance please call 1-800-547-7161 8:00 am -5:00 pm CST Monday thru Thursday and 8:00 am – 4:00 pm CST on Fridays.
At the bottom of the rate page is the icon for submitting your personal information for insurance consideration through our secure website. Clicking on this icon will start the process for gathering your personal information and applying for insurance coverage.
If you need to leave the personal information page before completing it, you can come back to that section at a later time without losing the information already imputed. When you come back simply click on the next button until you get back to the page from where you left and continue answering the questions on the form.